Decisively Digital — From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy: Book is Now Available

My new book Decisively Digital — From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy is now available for pre-order at most bookstores. The ebook is already available:

Book’s website | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books A Million | IndieBound | Thalia | Weltbild | published by Wiley

Check out 24 gripping interviews with Elissa Fink, Mohamed Abdel Hadi, Dr. Henna Karna, Derek Roos, Edna Conway, Kerem Tomak, André Rabold, Bora Beran, Florian Ramseger, Tatyana Yakushev, Patrick Kirchgäßner, Jordan Morrow, Yilian Villanueva Martinez, Lee Feinberg, Mark Kromer, Sarah Burnett, Andreas Kopp, Cameron Turner, Christy Marble, Prof. Dr. Patrick Glauner, Vladimir Alexeev, Sofie Blakstad, Sven Sommerfeld, and Ian Choo. Thanks also to Bernard Marr for the foreword, Patrick Walsh for editing, and everyone for supporting me in the preparation and reviews.

More about the book from the back cover:


Today’s business world is Decisively Digital. Across the business landscape, the leaders rising to the top are the ones who can think big-picture about data, AI, analytics, and beyond. How do we build new capabilities around digital, so we can push into the future with full steam? That’s the question at the heart of the twenty-four incisive interviews inside this unique collection of up-to-the-minute expertise from the people who are moving business forward.

With this book, your mentors are the very digital masterminds behind some of today’s top global organizations. Discover how tech giants are reinventing the world of work, how the financial sector is streamlining with data analytics, and what the latest AI research means for the businesses of today and tomorrow. You’ll also gain access to a toolkit of updates, further reading, and digital strategy ideas on the included companion website.

Discover the inspiration you need to evolve your business for the digital age and learn to:

    • Establish a digital culture that empowers people to work smarter
    • Implement data democracy and analytics to discover new capabilities
    • Generate tangible business results using new tech tools
    • Realize efficiencies with artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things
    • Apply real-world examples as you build your own future-proof digital strategy

“Alexander […] has brought together some of the brightest voices and smartest thought leaders from leading organisations across many industries, to bring you unmissable insights and real-world examples to showcase how technology can improve your businesses and drive business results today and tomorrow.”
—Bernard Marr, Futurist, influencer and best-selling author of Tech Trends in Practice and The Intelligence Revolution

Decisively Digital is decisively executive. Great experts, great interviews, and great insights combine to a crisp, cohesive and powerful story. It would be quite a mistake for any (aspiring) leader not to dive into this book, so I will definitely put it on the list of mandatory readings for my future students!”
—Markus Maedler, Director Executive MBA Programmes at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Thank you all who helped me to complete this book — and please feel free to share the news:

Meetings limited to 30 min and a 4-Day Workweek, Boosts Productivity by 40%: Microsoft’s Success Story

4 day workweek Microsoft experiment: performance boost by 40%
4 day workweek Microsoft experiment: performance boost by 40%

The 4 day workweek Microsoft experiment is a groundbreaking initiative that has captured global attention. By embracing a four-day workweek in Japan, Microsoft achieved a 40% boost in productivity. This article explores the details of the experiment, its implications, and how it aligns with the broader trends in automation and work efficiency.

The Future of Work and Automation

The 4th industrial revolution is upon us, and with it comes a new era of efficiency and productivity. Automation is transforming nearly all areas of our lives, allowing us to achieve superior results in less time. This evolution is not only reshaping our work but also improving our work–life balance. A century ago, a six-day workweek was the norm. The industrial revolution then ushered in the five-day workweek. Now, the 4-day workweek is not just a possibility but an inevitability, driven by technological advancements.

The 4-Day Workweek: A Historical Perspective

The concept of a 4-day workweek is not new, but it has gained traction in recent years. Companies like Microsoft are leading the way, recognizing that reduced working hours can lead to increased efficiency and happier employees. This shift is more than a trend; it’s a response to the changing nature of work in the digital age.

Microsoft’s Experiment: A 4-Day Workweek

In a bold move, Microsoft tested a four-day workweek in Japan, allowing employees to enjoy a three-day weekend. By limiting meetings to 30 minutes and promoting remote communication, they achieved a 40% boost in productivity, measured as sales revenue per employee. This experiment proved that a shorter workweek doesn’t mean cutting salaries; it means working smarter.

Key Observations from the 4 Day Workweek Microsoft Experiment

  • Productivity Boost: Sales revenue per employee increased by 39.9%.
  • Adoption of Short Meetings: 30-minute meeting adoption rate rose by 46%.
  • Remote Work Success: Remote meeting adoption rate increased by 21%.
  • Energy Efficiency: Power consumption decreased by 23.1%.
  • Positive Impact on Work and Life: Changes and effects on consciousness/behavior were observed at 96.5% for work and 97.1% for life.

Decisively Digital

This blog post is inspired by a recent LinkedIn discussion and reflects some of the ideas in our new book, Decisively Digital: From Creating Culture to Designing Strategy. This book delves into the digital transformation journey, providing insights and strategies for businesses to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

Ready to embrace the future of work? Explore the 4-day workweek and other innovative strategies in Decisively Digital (Amazon). Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights on digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and business analytics.

Machine Learning kompakt: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Machine Learning Kompakt Cover und Deep-Learning-Kapitel
Machine Learning kompakt und Blick in das Kapitel „Neuronale Netze und Deep Learning“

Nachdem ich bereits Erfahrung als Buchautor (hier und hier) gesammelt habe, hatte ich kürzlich die Gelegenheit als Technical Reviewer ein sehr spannendes Buchprojekt zu unterstützen. Das Buch Machine Learning kompakt: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen, geschrieben von Andriy Burkov, fand ich dabei dermaßen interessant, dass ich es gerne im Folgenden kurz vorstellen werde:

Machine Learning kompakt von Andriy Burkov ist ein hervorragend geschriebenes Buch und ein Muss für jeden, der sich für Machine Learning interessiert.

Andriy Burkov gelang ein ausgewogenes Verhältnis zwischen der Mathematik, intuitiven Darstellungen und verständlichen Erklärungen zu finden. Dieses Buch wird Neulingen auf dem Gebiet als gründliche Einführung zu Machine Learning zugutekommen. Darüber hinaus dient das Buch Entwicklern als perfekte Ergänzung zu Code-intensiver Literatur, da hier die zugrunde liegenden Konzepte beleuchtet werden.

Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio
Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio

Machine Learning kompakt eignet sich außerdem als Lehrbuch für einen allgemeinen Kurs zu Machine Learning. Ich wünschte, ein solches Buch gäbe es, als ich studiert habe!

Protip: viele der im Buch vorgestellten Machine-Learning-Algorithmen können Sie einfach und bequem in Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio selbst ausprobieren:

My First Day at Microsoft: A New Journey Begins

Alexander Loth on his first day at Microsoft
Alexander Loth on his first day at Microsoft

Joining Microsoft marks an exciting new chapter in my professional journey. With memories of my farewell to Tableau still fresh, I arrived at the Microsoft office, ready to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Read about my farewell to Tableau here.

Walking through the doors of Microsoft’s sprawling campus, the spirit of creativity and technological advancement was palpable. The legacy of innovation that defines Microsoft was evident everywhere I looked. I was immediately struck by the energy and innovation that permeated the air. From the architecture to the people, everything spoke of a commitment to excellence.

My first day was filled with introductions to my talented new colleagues. Their passion and expertise left me inspired and eager to contribute. With previous experiences at Tableau, CERN, and other industry leaders, I am well-prepared for this new adventure. Each step has shaped me, and I’m confident that this new adventure at Microsoft will add valuable layers to my career.

I’m thrilled to be part of Microsoft’s vision to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more. The future promises exciting projects, innovation, and growth.

My day 1 at Microsoft has been a remarkable experience, setting the stage for a fruitful journey. I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!

Stay connected with me on Twitter and LinkedIn to follow my journey at Microsoft.

#TC18 Wrap-up: Azure SQL Data Warehouse speeds up your Analysis

Benchmark: Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse outperforms Amazon Redshift in TCP-H 30TB
Benchmark: Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse outperforms Amazon Redshift in TCP-H 30TB

Slowly the dust settles after the impressive TC18. During my wrap-up, I remembered the data warehouse benchmarks of the Azure & Tableau session by James Rowland-Jones. Especially because my customers ask me about such performance metrics over and over again.

The first benchmark (graph above) shows how Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse (aka. SQL DW) outperforms Amazon Redshift – in terms of performance and price. While the second benchmark shows further performance tests for Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Azure, Presto, and Google Big Query:

Benchmark: Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen 2 vs. Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Presto, Google Big Query
Benchmark: Microsoft Azure SQL Data Warehouse Gen 2 vs. Amazon Redshift, Snowflake, Presto, Google Big Query

Since James‘ session is already available on Tableau’s Youtube channel, feel free to watch the entire Azure & Tableau session: