Geuro: a Parallel Currency as Alternative to the Grexit?

Greece has been in recession for past seven years and has already partially defaulted. Greece already has a sovereign debt crisis. The Markets are already in turmoil with bond yields very high, and stock markets falling. Greece already has bank runs. Multinationals are not keeping money in Greek banks. Due to unemployment of 23% and … „Geuro: a Parallel Currency as Alternative to the Grexit?“ weiterlesen

6 Characteristics of Companies in Emerging Markets

Emerging markets offer plenty of opportunities for investors. By opening themselves to international trade, the structure of these markets is dramatically altered. Foreign and local investments flood the economy with the aim of gaining enormous returns. A massive reallocation takes place and demand explodes. As a result of these disruptions, the number of mergers and … „6 Characteristics of Companies in Emerging Markets“ weiterlesen

Chronicle: Terrorism in India

India is like an outpost of the West in the East: global, modern, open, democratic, capitalist, a country of stock markets and the Bollywood dream factory. Terrorism in India apparently want to strike two enemies at once. The terrorists want to strike a blow at modern India, to revenge their suppressed fellow Muslims. But they … „Chronicle: Terrorism in India“ weiterlesen


Für einen längeren Aufenthalt in Indien ist es sehr ratsam eine medizinische Grundausstattung mitzubringen, da die klinische Versorgung, besonders in ländlichen Gebieten, unzureichend ist. Großstädte wie Bangalore bieten für indische Verhältnisse zwar hervorragende medizinische Versorgung, doch sollte man auch hier keine Hygiene auf westlichem Niveau zu erwarten. Wer keine HIV-Infektion riskieren möchte, sollte besser eigene … „Reiseapotheke“ weiterlesen


Don’t dream your life, live your dream! About the Author This blog is authored by me, Alexander Loth. I grew up in Karlsruhe, a city in the south west of Germany, located near the French-German border. Karlsruhe is know as the „internet capital“ of Europe. I am studying Business Information Systems at Karlsruhe University of … „About“ weiterlesen