Chronicle: Terrorism in India

India is like an outpost of the West in the East: global, modern, open, democratic, capitalist, a country of stock markets and the Bollywood dream factory. Terrorism in India apparently want to strike two enemies at once.

The terrorists want to strike a blow at modern India, to revenge their suppressed fellow Muslims. But they want also attack the West, as evidenced by targeting of famous luxury hotels where German, British and American citizens stay.

October 29, 2005

At least 58 people were killed and more than 250 people injured in a series of bombs in Delhi just three days before the popular Hindu festival of Diwali. (read more on Times Online)

July 11, 2006

Seven bombs exploded on packed commuter trains and railway stations in India’s financial capital Mumbai (Bombay). Nearly 200 people lost their lives and more than 600 were wounded in the repeated blasts. (read more on New York Times)

February 19, 2007

A terrorist attack on a train killed 66 passengers. The so-called „Peace Train“ was travelling from Delhi to the Pakistani city Lahore. An estimated 80 people were injured by the two homemade bombs. (read more on The Age)

August 25, 2007

Two bombs exploded in a street restaurant and at a laser show in a popular city park, killing 42 people also injured a further 80 people in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad. (read more on The Independent)

May 13, 2008

At least 80 people including 10 children were killed and another 200 injured during a terror attack Jaipur. Seven bombs were detonated within minutes in the city center of the popular north-western tourist destination. (read more on Telegraph)

July 26, 2008

Sixteen bombs exploded in Ahmedabad’s crowded old city dominated by its Muslim community killing at least 29 people and wounded 88. (read more on International Herald Tribune)

November 26, 2008

Terrorists killed at least 101 people and took hostages during a series of attacks in Mumbai. Hundreds of injured were sent to hospitals. The Islamist organization Deccan Mudjahideen claimed responsibility for the attack. (read more on The Times of India)

Karte von Indien

Der Ausflug nach Goa war (vorerst) meine letzte größere Reise in Indien. Nach den Karten zu Bangalore, dem Bundesstaat Karnataka und der Region Südindien, folgt schließlich die Karte zu ganz Indien. Auf der Karte sind zudem Satellitenaufnahmen eingeblendet.

Klickt ihr auf eine der roten Stecknadeln, wird euch ein Link eingeblendet, der zum entsprechenden Blogeintrag des jeweiligen Reiseziels führt. Die gestrichelten Grenzlinien im Norden deuten auf den Kaschmir-Konflikt mit Pakistan und auf die Grenzstreitigkeiten mit China hin.

Attentat auf Benazir Bhutto

Benazir BhuttoDie Stimmung erreichte bei unserem gestrigen Teamausflug ihren Tiefpunkt, als die Nachricht (siehe TV-Mitschnitt) vom tödlichen Anschlag auf die pakistanische Oppositionsführerin Benazir Bhutto die Runde machte.

Die Sicherheit von Indien hängt maßgeblich von der Stabilität Pakistans ab – und diese ist nun tief erschüttert!

With Pakistan tottering on the brink of uncertainty after Benazir Bhutto’s assassination, the Indian security and foreign policy establishment promptly went into a huddle on Thursday evening to discuss the implications for India.

The Times of India

Cricket: Indien vs. Pakistan

(Quelle: Wikipedia)Was für die Deutschen Fußball ist, ist für die Inder Cricket.

Das Finale der 2007 ICC Twenty20 World Championship wurde gestern Abend in Johannesburg ausgetragen. Gegenüber standen sich Indien und Erzrivale Pakistan. Diese brisante Konstellation sorgte schon im Vorfeld für viel Trubel. (ähnlich wie bei Fußball: Deutschland – England)

The most thrilling grand finale produced the most exhilarating match of the tournament. A gem of an innings from Misbah-ul-Haq was not enough, the outcome – India is crowned the ICC World Twenty20 champions.


Nach der Begegnung herrschte auf Indiens Straßen Ausnahmezustand – inklusive Feuerwerk und allem was dazu gehört… 😀