Master Microsoft Power BI with My New Book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI

Alexander Loth holding his books Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, Decisively Digital and Visual Analytics with Tableau
Alexander Loth holding his books Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, Decisively Digital and Visual Analytics with Tableau

A Comprehensive, Fully Visual Guide to Data Visualization and Analytics

I am thrilled to announce the release of my latest book, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI – a comprehensive and fully visual guide to mastering Microsoft Power BI. This book is designed to help both beginners and experienced users improve their skills in data visualization and analytics using Power BI, a powerful tool that has become an industry standard. In this blog post, I’ll give you a sneak peek into the contents of the book and how it can help you become a Power BI pro.

Why Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI?

Power BI is a robust data visualization software that enables users to transform raw data into meaningful insights through stunning visuals. However, learning Power BI can be challenging, especially for those who are new to the world of data visualization. That’s where Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI comes in. The book adopts a visual learning approach, combining step-by-step instructions with clear screenshots to walk readers through the basic and advanced functions of Power BI.

What’s Inside Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI?

This guide offers a comprehensive learning experience, covering a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Working with, transforming, and processing data sources: Learn how to connect to various data sources, clean and transform data, and create relationships between tables.
  2. Customizing data visualizations: Discover how to create informative and presentation-ready charts and graphs by customizing their appearance, colors, and interactivity.
  3. Advanced Power BI features: Explore app integrations, data access with DAX, and other advanced features that will help you get the most out of Power BI.
  4. Real-world examples and guidance: Apply your learnings to real-world scenarios with practical examples and expert tips throughout the book.

Who Can Benefit from Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI?

This book is suitable for a wide range of readers, including:

  1. Beginners: If you’re new to Power BI or data visualization, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI provides an accessible introduction to help you get started.
  2. Intermediate users: For those with some experience in Power BI, the book offers valuable tips and advanced techniques to enhance your skills further.
  3. Professionals: Data analysts, business intelligence professionals, and managers can use this book to improve their data visualization and reporting capabilities using Power BI.

Get your copy today!

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI is a must-have resource for anyone looking to master Microsoft Power BI. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this book offers valuable insights and guidance to help you harness the full potential of this powerful data visualization tool.

Don’t miss out – grab your copy today and embark on your journey toward becoming a Power BI pro! Also, follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights.

Decisively Digital is the #1 Best-Selling Digital Transformation Book on Amazon

Decisively Digital is an Amazon Best Seller. Experience a completely rewired perspective on digital transformation with 'Decisively Digital', a book that intricately navigates the complexities of today's technological landscape.
Experience a completely rewired perspective on digital transformation with Decisively Digital, a book that intricately navigates the complexities of today’s technological landscape.

It’s been an incredible start to the year, and I’m overjoyed to announce that my book, Decisively Digital, has reached a significant milestone. It has risen to become the #1 bestselling book in the computer and technology industry on Amazon. This achievement is not only a personal victory but a reflection of the growing interest and need for knowledge in the field of digital transformation.

Navigating Digital Transformation with Decisively Digital

When I embarked on the journey of writing Decisively Digital, I was driven by a strong belief in the power of digital transformation. I was eager to share my wealth of knowledge and first-hand experience on how organizations, regardless of size or industry, can leverage digital technologies to drive growth and achieve unprecedented success.

I had the unique opportunity to conduct insightful interviews with thought leaders across industries, delving deep into the strategies and methodologies that have propelled them to the forefront of digital innovation. These conversations weren’t just enlightening, they were transformative, providing a holistic view of digital transformation that goes beyond the surface layers.

Empowering Readers in the Digital Age: A Rewired Approach

My vision for Decisively Digital has always been clear: to serve as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration for readers seeking to navigate the complexities of the digital age. The book is designed to empower you, giving you the tools and insights you need to harness the full potential of technology for your business or organization, effectively rewiring your approach to digital challenges.

As we stand at the crossroads of a digital revolution, Decisively Digital aims to be more than just a book. It is a guide, a companion, and a catalyst for change, encouraging readers to embrace digital transformation and drive innovation within their own spheres of influence. With a rewired mindset, you can unlock unprecedented opportunities and forge ahead confidently in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

A heartfelt thank you

I am deeply grateful for the overwhelming support that Decisively Digital has received. This accomplishment is not mine alone; it is a testament to the power of community, collaboration, and the indomitable spirit of innovation that resides within all of us.

I extend my heartfelt thanks to every reader, supporter, and advocate of Decisively Digital. It is your belief in the book’s message, and your commitment to advancing digital transformation, that has brought us to this remarkable milestone.

Join the Digital Transformation Movement

As we celebrate this achievement, I invite you to spread the word about Decisively Digital. Share your thoughts, experiences, and insights with the broader community. Together, we can continue to foster a culture of innovation, learning, and transformative growth.

Feel free to share this post, recommend the book to your network, and engage in conversations about digital transformation. Let’s continue to empower and inspire each other on this journey to a digitally savvy future:

#datamustread 2022 Essentials: How to Level Up In Your Data Journey

Best Data Science Books: Top 5 Essential Reads for 2022 - #datamustread
Best Data Science Books: Top 5 Essential Reads for 2022 – #datamustread

For some time now, I have been using the hashtag #datamustread on LinkedIn and Twitter to regularly recommend books that are essential for a data journey. At the end of this year, I would like to put together some absolute highlights that I consider to be absolute #datamustread books:

📖 True or False by Cindy L. Otis
📖 Info We Trust by RJ Andrew
📖 Tools and Weapons by Brad Smith
📖 Data Science for Business by Foster Provost and Tom Fawcett
📖 Decisively Digital by 24 thought leaders interviewed by me

True or False: A CIA Analyst’s Guide to Spotting Fake News

True or False by Cindy L. Otis covers the entire spectrum of misinformation and disinformation, why we fall for it, and what we can do about it. Even though some concepts are familiar to me, I still learned quite a lot. The book contains a wealth of unexpected examples, current and from history, and is more relevant than ever in today’s world.

Info We Trust: How to Inspire the World with Data

Info We Trust by RJ Andrews is an inspiring journey of data storytelling, but it’s also written in an extremely entertaining way, making this #datamustread the perfect companion for relaxing days. RJ’s enjoyable writing style, by the way, has been a guiding light for my own books.

„#datamustread 2022 Essentials: How to Level Up In Your Data Journey“ weiterlesen

Join the #bookaweekchallenge for a Chance to win a copy of Decisively Digital

Join the #bookaweekchallenge with 7 days of Decisively Digital
Join the #bookaweekchallenge with 7 days of Decisively Digital

My book Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy (➡️Amazon) is guest at Christina Stathopoulos and her #bookaweekchallenge on LinkedIn. Join Christina as she reflects on her journey through the book with several LinkedIn posts.

Christina’s posts can be found further down this blog along with a variety of interesting comments and opinions. Feel free to join the discussion on LinkedIn! You also have the chance to participate in our raffle and win one of three copies of Decisively Digital! Good luck!

Now I’ll turn it over to Christina, who kicks off the challenge with the following introduction to Decisively Digital (day 1):

No one can argue that today’s business landscape is DIGITAL, you’ve got to stay ahead of the curve or you’ll quickly fall behind. It’s Digital or… Disappear.

Jam-packed with insights, this book includes 24 interviews with leaders of the digital revolution covering:

💻 Digital Culture & Modern Work (day 2)
📊 Data Democracy & Analytics (day 3)
☁️ Big Data Processing & Cloud Computing (day 4)
🤖 Artificial Intelligence (day 5)
📳 Process Automation, Blockchain & IoT (day 6)


💡 Wrap-up and Raffle (day 7)
🎁 Announcement of Winners (day 8)

Day 1: 🚀 Introduction to Decisively Digital

Day 2: 💻 Digital Culture & Modern Work

„Join the #bookaweekchallenge for a Chance to win a copy of Decisively Digital“ weiterlesen

Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI: das essenzielle Power BI-Buch ist jetzt erhältlich

Das deutschsprachige Power BI-Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich
Das deutschsprachige Power BI-Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich

Die Welt der Datenvisualisierung ist um ein wertvolles Werk reicher: Unser Power BI-Buch, Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI: Der schnelle Einstieg in die Welt von Power BI, ist jetzt im Handel verfügbar! Dieses umfassende Buch dient als Brücke zwischen Technologie und Geschäftsverständnis. Es wurde speziell entwickelt, um sowohl Einsteigern als auch erfahrenen Anwendern eine robuste Basis für den effektiven Einsatz von Power BI zu bieten.

Das Buch ist ab sofort erhältlich bei:

  • Ihrer lokalen Buchhandlung,
  • Amazon (als gedrucktes Buch und als Kindle Edition)

Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI tritt nun in die Fußstapfen seines erfolgreichen Schwesterwerks Datenvisualisierung mit Tableau. Dabei wurde das didaktische Konzept sorgfältig übernommen, ohne die spezifischen Merkmale und Funktionen von Power BI aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an meinen Co-Autor Peter Vogel sowie an Sophia Cullen und Thomas Treml für die Vorworte. Ebenfalls möchten wir unseren zahlreichen Reviewern danken, die uns mit ihren wertvollen Ideen und Anregungen unterstützt haben.

Für weitere Informationen zu „Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI“ besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite zum Power BI-Buch! Wir freuen uns auch über Feedback, Ideen und Anregungen via X (vormals Twitter) und LinkedIn: