Discovering Kunming: A Journey Through the City of Eternal Spring

Kunming street life bustling with local activity
A vibrant street in Kunming, Yunnan, China, showcasing the bustling local life with people walking, street vendors selling goods, and traditional architecture in the background. The scene captures the lively atmosphere and cultural richness of Kunming’s streets.

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in Southwest China, is often referred to as the „City of Eternal Spring“ for its mild climate and beautiful weather year-round. My recent trip to this vibrant city was an incredible adventure filled with stunning sights, rich cultural experiences, and mouth-watering cuisine. Join me as I take you through the highlights of my journey through Kunming.

Arrival and First Impressions

From the moment I arrived at Kunming Changshui International Airport, I was impressed by the efficiency and friendliness of the staff. Navigating through the airport was a breeze, thanks to clear signage and quick baggage transfer. The ride from the airport to the city center offered a glimpse of Kunming’s picturesque landscapes, setting the tone for an unforgettable visit.

Exploring Guandu Ancient Town

One of my first stops was Guandu Ancient Town, a historic area brimming with charm and character. Walking through its narrow streets lined with traditional Chinese architecture, I felt transported back in time. The town is a perfect blend of old and new, with ancient temples, vibrant markets, and quaint tea houses coexisting harmoniously.

A Stroll Through Green Lake Park

Green Lake Park, or Cuihu Park, is a must-visit in Kunming. This urban oasis is a favorite among locals and tourists alike. I spent a peaceful afternoon wandering around the lake, watching people practice tai chi, and admiring the beautiful lotus flowers. The park’s serene atmosphere is a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Exploring Tai Hua Si Temple in Yunnan

During my adventure in Kunming, a visit to Tai Hua Si Temple was an unexpected delight that added a spiritual and cultural depth to my journey. Nestled on the western shore of Dianchi Lake and at the foot of the Western Hills, Tai Hua Si Temple is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Yunnan Province.

As I approached the temple, the serene ambiance was immediately apparent. Surrounded by lush greenery and towering ancient trees, the temple complex exudes a sense of tranquility and calm. The air was filled with the faint scent of incense, and the gentle sound of chanting monks added to the peaceful atmosphere.

Tai Hua Si Temple, originally built during the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368), boasts a rich history that is reflected in its stunning architecture. The temple complex includes several halls and pavilions, each adorned with intricate carvings and detailed paintings. The main hall houses a magnificent statue of Buddha, while the surrounding halls contain various deities and historical relics.

Savoring Local Cuisine in Kunming

One of the highlights of my journey to Kunming was undoubtedly the exploration of its vibrant local cuisine. Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, boasts a unique culinary landscape that is both diverse and delicious, reflecting the rich cultural heritage and the abundance of fresh ingredients available in the region. Must-try dishes:

  1. Crossing the Bridge Noodles (过桥米线) A trip to Kunming is incomplete without trying the famous Crossing the Bridge Noodles. This iconic dish consists of a rich, steaming broth served with a variety of ingredients including thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and rice noodles. The unique aspect is that the ingredients are added to the hot broth at the table, ensuring they are perfectly cooked and fresh.
  2. Steam Pot Chicken (汽锅鸡) Another local favorite is Steam Pot Chicken. This dish is prepared using a special clay pot with a central chimney. The chicken is slow-cooked with herbs and spices, resulting in tender meat and a flavorful broth that is both comforting and nourishing.
  3. Erkuai (饵块) Erkuai is a traditional Yunnan rice cake made from glutinous rice. It can be served in various ways, such as stir-fried with vegetables and meats, or grilled and topped with savory or sweet condiments. Its chewy texture and versatility make it a beloved snack among locals and visitors alike.

Discovering Kunming Old Street

Kunming Old Street is another highlight of the city. The area is a fascinating blend of traditional and modern, with unique snacks, upscale vintage hotels, and vibrant street life. A notable stop was Xiongqi Yingxiang Hotpot, where the rich flavors and authentic ingredients made for a memorable meal.

Review: Perfect Retro Gaming on the Go

This photo shows the RG353V by ANBERNIC being used during a flight. The device is running the classic DOS game Digger. The compact size and bright 3.5-inch IPS touchscreen display make the RG353V an ideal companion for retro gaming on the go. Perfect for passing the time while traveling.
RG353V by ANBERNIC running the DOS game Digger.

During my trip, I discovered the RG353V by ANBERNIC – a small, handy retro gaming device that fits perfectly in the hand. It offers excellent picture quality thanks to its 3.5-inch IPS touchscreen and is perfect for passing the time during flights. The device can emulate numerous systems, including NES, SNES, N64, GBA, PS1, PSP, DOS, and even Dreamcast. With its RK3566 chip and 2 GB RAM, the RG353V provides enough power for smooth gameplay. The RG353V features two analog sticks, a precise D-pad, and well-placed action buttons. It is equipped with two SD card slots, a mini HDMI output, two USB-C ports, and a 3200 mAh battery that ensures long gaming sessions. The combination of portable size and high performance makes the RG353V the perfect companion for retro gaming on the go.

Final Thoughts and Further Reading

Kunming is truly a gem in China’s travel landscape. Its perfect blend of cultural heritage and modern vibrancy makes it a unique destination. I highly recommend adding Kunming to your travel bucket list – you won’t be disappointed!

If you’ve enjoyed reading about my journey, be sure to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for more travel updates and photos from my adventures in Kunming and beyond. For deeper insights into China’s modern culture, I highly recommend the book Young China by Zak Dychtwald. It offers a fascinating look into the lives and perspectives of China’s youth today.

I hope this blog post inspires you to explore Kunming and experience all the amazing things this city has to offer. Happy travels!

Singapur Digital: Servierroboter, Laborfleisch und Smart City – Neue Folge von “Die Digitalisierung und Wir”

Digitalisierung in Singapur: Laborfleisch, Servierroboter und Smart City Infrastruktur - Ein Podcast-Reisebericht aus Singapur
Digitalisierung in Singapur: Laborfleisch, Servierroboter und Smart City Infrastruktur – Ein Podcast-Reisebericht aus Singapur

In der neuesten Folge von Die Digitalisierung und Wir haben wir uns ein ganz besonderes Thema vorgenommen: Singapur! Florian war vor Kurzem in der Stadt, die als eines der globalen Zentren für Technologie und Innovation gilt, und teilt seine Eindrücke und Erfahrungen mit uns. In diesem Beitrag erfahrt ihr, wie sich die Digitalisierung in Singapur auf verschiedene Lebensbereiche auswirkt und was wir davon lernen können.

Servierroboter und Laborfleisch: Die Zukunft der Gastronomie?

In Singapur sind technologische Innovationen nicht nur in den Büros und Laboren zu finden, sondern auch in den Restaurants. Florian berichtet von seinen Erfahrungen mit Servierrobotern, die in einigen Restaurants das Essen an die Tische bringen. Doch nicht nur der Service, auch die Speisen selbst sind futuristisch: Fleisch aus dem Labor ist hier keine Seltenheit und könnte eine Antwort auf die wachsende Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Lebensmitteln sein.

Smart City: Vom Verkehr bis zur Architektur

Die U-Bahnen in Singapur sind ein Paradebeispiel für benutzerfreundlichen und effizienten öffentlichen Nahverkehr. Aber auch auf der Straße zeigt sich die Digitalisierung in Singapur: Der Taxidienst Grab hat das Fortbewegen in der Stadt revolutioniert. Und wer durch Singapur geht, dem fallen sofort die futuristischen Gebäude und die metamoderne Architektur auf.

Digitale Kommunikation und Innovation

WhatsApp ist in Singapur allgegenwärtig und wird sogar im öffentlichen Raum eingesetzt. Die Stadt ist zudem Heimat für das japanische VC-Unternehmen Softbank, das weltweit in Technologie und Innovation investiert. Und es gibt Spekulationen, dass Jony Ive zusammen mit OpenAI an einem neuen KI-Gerät arbeitet.

Im Podcast vorgestellte Bücher zum Weiterlesen:

Weiterlesen und Abonnieren

Zum Abschluss möchten wir noch einen Blick über den Tellerrand hinaus werfen: Künstliche Intelligenz ist nicht nur in den Straßen Singapurs präsent, sondern auch in den Büros moderner Unternehmen unverzichtbar geworden. Im Blogpost Künstliche Intelligenz im Controlling: Ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für moderne Unternehmen gehe ich auf die vielfältigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten von KI-Technologien wie GPT-4 und DALL-E 3 ein und illustriere anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele, wie sie Controlling-Prozesse durch KI weiterentwickelt werden.

Verpassen Sie nicht unsere weiteren spannenden Diskussionen über die Schnittstellen von Technologie und Wirtschaft – abonnieren Sie den Podcast Die Digitalisierung und Wir und bleiben Sie stets informiert über die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen.

„Singapur Digital: Servierroboter, Laborfleisch und Smart City – Neue Folge von “Die Digitalisierung und Wir”“ weiterlesen

A Thought on Artificial Intelligence in China: The Future of Economic Development

Artificial Intelligence in China: Shanghai Skyline with Historical Waibaidu Bridge - A symbol of China's blend of history and modern AI innovation.
Artificial Intelligence in China: Shanghai Skyline with Historical Waibaidu Bridge – A symbol of China’s blend of history and modern AI innovation.

China’s rise as a global leader in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is monumental, with aspirations that reach beyond mere technological advancements. As I highlighted in my previous post, China’s AI innovations aim to tackle the challenges posed by the one-child policy, which has aged its population significantly.

This leads to an imbalance of assets and liabilities that AI, with its practical applications, can help to resolve. The stakes of AI in China signify a major shift in technological advancements and economic development.

AI and China’s Economic Growth: A Strategic Alignment

The development of AI in China is not merely about technological innovation. It’s about creating real-world solutions that align with the nation’s demographic and economic needs. Whether it’s healthcare, transportation, or financial services, Artificial Intelligence in China is changing the game.

Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in China: Transforming Various Sectors

From healthcare to transportation, AI is revolutionizing various sectors in China. The nation’s focus on AI innovation and its potential for practical applications are part of a broader strategy to sustain economic growth.

Artificial Intelligence in China: Learning from China’s AI Strategy

What can we learn from China’s AI endeavors? The answer lies in understanding their approach towards innovation, collaboration, and long-term planning. My book Visual Analytics with Tableau (Amazon) explores how visual analytics plays a vital role in understanding complex data structures and emerging trends, including those related to AI.

A Deep Dive into Digital Transformation

Interested in a comprehensive exploration of digital transformation? My upcoming book, Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy, dives deep into digital transformation, including insights from China’s AI landscape. Pre-order your copy today!

Don’t miss out on the latest insights related to AI, digital transformation, and more. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay in the loop.

How China is Winning in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Deep Dive into Innovation, Culture, and Strategy

China AI: The impressive Alibaba Campus in Hangzhou, a hub of innovation and intrapreneurship.
China AI: The impressive Alibaba Campus in Hangzhou, a hub of innovation and intrapreneurship.

China’s AI revolution is taking the world by storm. In this journey across cities like Hangzhou, discover how China is leading the AI industry, inspiring innovation, and shaping the future.

Currently, I’m on a 4-week China trip, visiting many cities. In Hangzhou, I met CEIBS peers who work for Alibaba. While the Alibaba campus is quite impressive, I got even more impressed by Alibaba’s leadership culture, which is encouraging its employees to innovate as intrapreneurs.

Intrapreneurship at Alibaba: The China AI Model for Success

At the impressive Alibaba Campus in Hangzhou, I discovered the power of intrapreneurship. If you start your own project (a new mobile app, a patent, a scientific paper, etc.), you’re doing it at your own pace. Employees are encouraged to innovate at their own pace, without being micro-managed. Success is rewarded with bonuses. Truly, this is where we can learn from China in the „China AI“ landscape!

China’s AI Ambitions: Leading the New World Order

Yue and me, Hangzhou West Lake

While traveling in China I was reading AI Superpowers: China Silicon Valley, and the New World Order by Kai-Fu Lee, a book that is a must-read to get an idea of where China’s AI ambitions are heading to. What matters most for AI innovation these days, the author argues, is access to vast quantities of data—where China’s advantage is overwhelming.

A quite entertaining book focusing on the new mindset of China’s young generation is this one: Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World by Zak Dychtwald.

Visualizing the Journey: Exploring my Tableau Public Viz

Which other cities in China did I visit? Check out my Tableau Public viz:

A visualization of my 2019 China Visit, exploring the cities and experiences.
A visualization of my 2019 China Visit, exploring the cities and experiences.

Interested in Visual Analytics? Grab a copy of my latest book, Visual Analytics with Tableau (Amazon), for a comprehensive guide to mastering data visualization.

Stay Connected and Explore More on China AI

China’s AI is reshaping the global landscape. From Alibaba to the nation’s strategies, China AI inspires and challenges the world. It’s a blend of technology, culture, and energy driving China’s AI revolution.

The experiences and insights from this trip have been truly enlightening. I invite you to join me as I continue to explore the fascinating world of China AI, digital transformation, and visual analytics. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn, and let’s continue learning together.

Don’t miss my upcoming book, Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy (Amazon) Dive deep into digital transformation and be part of the new era of innovation.

From Singapore Business to Scuba Diving: Exploring Tioman and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia

Panoramic view of Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Panoramic view of Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

After a grueling week-long business trip in Singapore, I was ready for some much-needed rest and relaxation. And what better way to unwind than by exploring the underwater world of ABC Bay in Tioman, Malaysia?

I hopped on a bus from Singapore to Tioman Island and was immediately greeted by lush rainforest and crystal clear waters. The island was smaller than I expected, but it was packed with activities to keep me busy. Of course, scuba diving was the main attraction and ABC Bay did not disappoint. The colorful coral reefs and diverse marine life made for an unforgettable experience.

Apart from diving and snorkeling, Tioman Island also offers a range of activities for visitors. You can go trekking in the island’s lush rainforest, explore the cascading waterfalls, or simply relax on the pristine beaches. The island also has several historical sites, including the remains of a Dutch fort and a Chinese temple.

After a few days of diving, I was ready to move on to my next destination: Kuala Lumpur. The capital of Malaysia was a stark contrast to the laid-back island atmosphere of Tioman. I spent my days wandering the bustling streets, taking in the sights and sounds. The Petronas Towers were a definite highlight, as were the Batu Caves and Merdeka Square.

The Batu Caves are located inside a limestone hill and can be accessed by a long flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs is a temple complex with colorful statues and ornate architecture. The sun is shining brightly in the blue sky, casting a warm glow over the entire scene.

But what really stood out to me during my time in Kuala Lumpur was the food. Malaysian cuisine is a melting pot of Malay, Chinese, and Indian influences, and it did not disappoint. One of my favorite dishes was nasi lemak, a fragrant rice dish cooked in coconut milk and served with spicy sambal, fried anchovies, and peanuts. I also loved trying all the different types of satay, especially the chicken and beef varieties.

Overall, my trip to Tioman and Kuala Lumpur was the perfect combination of adventure and relaxation. Whether you’re looking for world-class diving or delicious food, Malaysia has something for everyone. So why not add it to your travel bucket list?