KI in China: Digitale Revolution hautnah erleben – Neue Folge von „Die Digitalisierung und Wir“

Podcast Cover-Bild Folge 22: WeChat, Elektroautos und Retro-Gaming - Ein Reisebericht aus China. Es zeigt das beleuchtete Wanda Plaza in China bei Nacht. Unten links ist ein Bild der beiden Podcast-Moderatoren Alex und Florian zu sehen.
KI China in der Podcast-Folge „WeChat, Elektroautos und Retro-Gaming – Ein Reisebericht aus China„: beleuchtetes Wanda Plaza in China bei Nacht.

In unserer neuesten Episode von Die Digitalisierung und Wir tauchen Florian Ramseger und ich tief in die faszinierende Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) in China ein. Nachdem ich in den letzten 10 Jahren viermal in China unterwegs war, habe ich die spektakuläre Geschwindigkeit der Adoption von KI und Technologie aus nächster Nähe erlebt. Hier teile ich meine Eindrücke und Einblicke – von den neuesten Entwicklungen bis hin zu praktischen Reisetipps!

Einführung: Ein Blick auf Chinas digitale Transformation

Chinas Reise in die digitale Zukunft ist atemberaubend. Mit einer beeindruckenden Geschwindigkeit hat das Land die Möglichkeiten der KI und Technologie integriert und revolutioniert. In diesem Blogpost erfahrt ihr alles über die neuesten Trends und Entwicklungen und wie diese das tägliche Leben in China verändern.

KI in China: Die Zukunft beginnt jetzt

China hat sich als einer der globalen Vorreiter in Sachen KI etabliert. Von smarten Städten bis hin zu autonomen Fahrzeugen – die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten scheinen grenzenlos. Besonders faszinierend ist die Integration von KI in alltägliche Anwendungen, sei es durch Gesichtserkennungstechnologien oder durch den Einsatz von Algorithmen zur Verbesserung der öffentlichen Sicherheit.

In unserer Episode diskutieren wir auch die Auswirkungen dieser Technologien auf die Gesellschaft und die Wirtschaft. Falls ihr mehr über die Grundlagen der Künstlichen Intelligenz erfahren möchtet, hört doch mal in unsere früheren Folgen rein, wie etwa Episode 16 zu Content Creation mit KI und Episode 19 zu Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Mobile Payment in China: Bargeld war gestern

Ein weiteres Highlight meiner Reisen nach China ist die nahezu vollständige Umstellung auf mobile Zahlungen. Kaum jemand benutzt noch Bargeld oder Kreditkarten – alles läuft über Apps wie WeChat Pay und Alipay. Diese Transformation hat nicht nur den Zahlungsverkehr revolutioniert, sondern auch das Verbraucherverhalten und die Geschäftsmodelle vor Ort grundlegend verändert.

E-Mobilität in KI-China: Ein Blick in die Zukunft

China ist auch führend, wenn es um Elektromobilität geht. E-Fahrzeuge sind in den Städten allgegenwärtig, und das Land investiert massiv in die Infrastruktur für Elektrofahrzeuge. Dies hat nicht nur positive Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt, sondern zeigt auch, wie schnell technologische Innovationen adaptiert werden können.

Reisetipps für Kunming: Chinas grüne Stadt

Kunming im südlichen Teil Chinas ist bekannt für sein angenehmes Klima und seine reiche Kultur. Hier ein paar Tipps für eure Reise:

  1. Besucht den Green Lake Park – ein wunderschöner Ort zum Entspannen und Genießen.
  2. Erkundet den Stone Forest – eine atemberaubende Landschaft aus Karstformationen.
  3. Probiert die lokale Küche – Kunming ist berühmt für seine vielfältigen und köstlichen Yunnan-Gerichte.

Mehr Details zu meiner Reise und viele weitere Tipps findest du auf meinem Reiseblog: Discovering Kunming: A Journey Through the City of Eternal Spring. Folge mir auch auf Instagram @xlth und TikTok @_xlth für weitere Eindrücke meiner Abenteuer in Kunming und darüber hinaus.

Mein Buch: KI für Content Creation

In meinem neuen Buch KI für Content Creation (Amazon) gehe ich detailliert auf die Nutzung von KI für die Erstellung von Inhalten ein. Ein Must-read für alle, die sich für die kreative Seite der Künstlichen Intelligenz interessieren!

Retro-Gaming: Perfekt für Unterwegs

Dieses Foto zeigt den RG353V von ANBERNIC, der während eines Flugs benutzt wird. Auf dem Gerät läuft das klassische DOS-Spiel Digger. Die kompakte Größe und das helle 3,5-Zoll-IPS-Touchscreen-Display machen den RG353V zu einem idealen Begleiter für Retro-Gaming unterwegs. Perfekt, um sich während des Reisens die Zeit zu vertreiben.
RG353V von ANBERNIC, auf dem das DOS-Spiel Digger läuft.

Während meiner Reise habe ich den RG353V von ANBERNIC entdeckt – ein kleines, handliches Retro-Gaming-Gerät, das perfekt in die Hand passt. Es bietet eine großartige Bildqualität dank des 3,5-Zoll-IPS-Touchscreens und eignet sich ideal, um sich im Flug die Zeit zu vertreiben. Das Gerät kann zahlreiche Systeme emulieren, darunter NES, SNES, N64, GBA, PS1, PSP, DOS und sogar Dreamcast. Mit seinem RK3566-Chip und 2 GB RAM bietet der RG353V genügend Leistung für flüssiges Gameplay. Der RG353V verfügt über zwei Analogsticks, eine präzise D-Pad-Steuerung und gut platzierte Aktionstasten. Er ist ausgestattet mit zwei SD-Karten-Slots, einem Mini-HDMI-Ausgang, zwei USB-C-Ports und einem 3200 mAh Akku, der für eine lange Spielzeit sorgt. Die Kombination aus portabler Größe und hoher Leistungsfähigkeit macht den RG353V zum perfekten Begleiter für Retro-Gaming unterwegs.

Fazit: Hört rein und bleibt dran!

Ich lade euch ein, die neueste Episode unseres Podcasts Die Digitalisierung und Wir anzuhören und zu abonnieren. Erlebt mit uns die neuesten Entwicklungen und Trends rund um KI und Digitalisierung in China und wie diese unser Leben beeinflussen.

🎧 Hier geht’s zur Episode

Was denkt ihr über die rasante Entwicklung der KI in China? Lasst es uns wissen und diskutiert mit! Vergesst nicht, unseren Podcast zu abonnieren, um keine Folge zu verpassen. Für tiefere Einblicke in Chinas moderne Kultur empfehle ich euch das Buch Young China von Zak Dychtwald. Es bietet einen faszinierenden Einblick in das Leben und die Perspektiven der chinesischen Jugend von heute.

Discovering Kunming: A Journey Through the City of Eternal Spring

Kunming street life bustling with local activity
A vibrant street in Kunming, Yunnan, China, showcasing the bustling local life with people walking, street vendors selling goods, and traditional architecture in the background. The scene captures the lively atmosphere and cultural richness of Kunming’s streets.

Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province in Southwest China, is often referred to as the „City of Eternal Spring“ for its mild climate and beautiful weather year-round. My recent trip to this vibrant city was an incredible adventure filled with stunning sights, rich cultural experiences, and mouth-watering cuisine. Join me as I take you through the highlights of my journey through Kunming.

Arrival and First Impressions

From the moment I arrived at Kunming Changshui International Airport, I was impressed by the efficiency and friendliness of the staff. Navigating through the airport was a breeze, thanks to clear signage and quick baggage transfer. The ride from the airport to the city center offered a glimpse of Kunming’s picturesque landscapes, setting the tone for an unforgettable visit.

Exploring Guandu Ancient Town

One of my first stops was Guandu Ancient Town, a historic area brimming with charm and character. Walking through its narrow streets lined with traditional Chinese architecture, I felt transported back in time. The town is a perfect blend of old and new, with ancient temples, vibrant markets, and quaint tea houses coexisting harmoniously.

A Stroll Through Green Lake Park

Green Lake Park, or Cuihu Park, is a must-visit in Kunming. This urban oasis is a favorite among locals and tourists alike. I spent a peaceful afternoon wandering around the lake, watching people practice tai chi, and admiring the beautiful lotus flowers. The park’s serene atmosphere is a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Exploring Tai Hua Si Temple in Yunnan

During my adventure in Kunming, a visit to Tai Hua Si Temple was an unexpected delight that added a spiritual and cultural depth to my journey. Nestled on the western shore of Dianchi Lake and at the foot of the Western Hills, Tai Hua Si Temple is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Yunnan Province.

As I approached the temple, the serene ambiance was immediately apparent. Surrounded by lush greenery and towering ancient trees, the temple complex exudes a sense of tranquility and calm. The air was filled with the faint scent of incense, and the gentle sound of chanting monks added to the peaceful atmosphere.

Tai Hua Si Temple, originally built during the Yuan Dynasty (1271–1368), boasts a rich history that is reflected in its stunning architecture. The temple complex includes several halls and pavilions, each adorned with intricate carvings and detailed paintings. The main hall houses a magnificent statue of Buddha, while the surrounding halls contain various deities and historical relics.

Savoring Local Cuisine in Kunming

One of the highlights of my journey to Kunming was undoubtedly the exploration of its vibrant local cuisine. Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province, boasts a unique culinary landscape that is both diverse and delicious, reflecting the rich cultural heritage and the abundance of fresh ingredients available in the region. Must-try dishes:

  1. Crossing the Bridge Noodles (过桥米线) A trip to Kunming is incomplete without trying the famous Crossing the Bridge Noodles. This iconic dish consists of a rich, steaming broth served with a variety of ingredients including thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and rice noodles. The unique aspect is that the ingredients are added to the hot broth at the table, ensuring they are perfectly cooked and fresh.
  2. Steam Pot Chicken (汽锅鸡) Another local favorite is Steam Pot Chicken. This dish is prepared using a special clay pot with a central chimney. The chicken is slow-cooked with herbs and spices, resulting in tender meat and a flavorful broth that is both comforting and nourishing.
  3. Erkuai (饵块) Erkuai is a traditional Yunnan rice cake made from glutinous rice. It can be served in various ways, such as stir-fried with vegetables and meats, or grilled and topped with savory or sweet condiments. Its chewy texture and versatility make it a beloved snack among locals and visitors alike.

Discovering Kunming Old Street

Kunming Old Street is another highlight of the city. The area is a fascinating blend of traditional and modern, with unique snacks, upscale vintage hotels, and vibrant street life. A notable stop was Xiongqi Yingxiang Hotpot, where the rich flavors and authentic ingredients made for a memorable meal.

Review: Perfect Retro Gaming on the Go

This photo shows the RG353V by ANBERNIC being used during a flight. The device is running the classic DOS game Digger. The compact size and bright 3.5-inch IPS touchscreen display make the RG353V an ideal companion for retro gaming on the go. Perfect for passing the time while traveling.
RG353V by ANBERNIC running the DOS game Digger.

During my trip, I discovered the RG353V by ANBERNIC – a small, handy retro gaming device that fits perfectly in the hand. It offers excellent picture quality thanks to its 3.5-inch IPS touchscreen and is perfect for passing the time during flights. The device can emulate numerous systems, including NES, SNES, N64, GBA, PS1, PSP, DOS, and even Dreamcast. With its RK3566 chip and 2 GB RAM, the RG353V provides enough power for smooth gameplay. The RG353V features two analog sticks, a precise D-pad, and well-placed action buttons. It is equipped with two SD card slots, a mini HDMI output, two USB-C ports, and a 3200 mAh battery that ensures long gaming sessions. The combination of portable size and high performance makes the RG353V the perfect companion for retro gaming on the go.

Final Thoughts and Further Reading

Kunming is truly a gem in China’s travel landscape. Its perfect blend of cultural heritage and modern vibrancy makes it a unique destination. I highly recommend adding Kunming to your travel bucket list – you won’t be disappointed!

If you’ve enjoyed reading about my journey, be sure to follow me on Instagram and TikTok for more travel updates and photos from my adventures in Kunming and beyond. For deeper insights into China’s modern culture, I highly recommend the book Young China by Zak Dychtwald. It offers a fascinating look into the lives and perspectives of China’s youth today.

I hope this blog post inspires you to explore Kunming and experience all the amazing things this city has to offer. Happy travels!

A Thought on Artificial Intelligence in China: The Future of Economic Development

Artificial Intelligence in China: Shanghai Skyline with Historical Waibaidu Bridge - A symbol of China's blend of history and modern AI innovation.
Artificial Intelligence in China: Shanghai Skyline with Historical Waibaidu Bridge – A symbol of China’s blend of history and modern AI innovation.

China’s rise as a global leader in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is monumental, with aspirations that reach beyond mere technological advancements. As I highlighted in my previous post, China’s AI innovations aim to tackle the challenges posed by the one-child policy, which has aged its population significantly.

This leads to an imbalance of assets and liabilities that AI, with its practical applications, can help to resolve. The stakes of AI in China signify a major shift in technological advancements and economic development.

AI and China’s Economic Growth: A Strategic Alignment

The development of AI in China is not merely about technological innovation. It’s about creating real-world solutions that align with the nation’s demographic and economic needs. Whether it’s healthcare, transportation, or financial services, Artificial Intelligence in China is changing the game.

Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in China: Transforming Various Sectors

From healthcare to transportation, AI is revolutionizing various sectors in China. The nation’s focus on AI innovation and its potential for practical applications are part of a broader strategy to sustain economic growth.

Artificial Intelligence in China: Learning from China’s AI Strategy

What can we learn from China’s AI endeavors? The answer lies in understanding their approach towards innovation, collaboration, and long-term planning. My book Visual Analytics with Tableau (Amazon) explores how visual analytics plays a vital role in understanding complex data structures and emerging trends, including those related to AI.

A Deep Dive into Digital Transformation

Interested in a comprehensive exploration of digital transformation? My upcoming book, Decisively Digital: From Creating a Culture to Designing Strategy, dives deep into digital transformation, including insights from China’s AI landscape. Pre-order your copy today!

Don’t miss out on the latest insights related to AI, digital transformation, and more. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn to stay in the loop.

The Forbidden City: Walking Through China’s Imperial Past

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, a stunning testament to imperial grandeur in the Forbidden City.
The Hall of Supreme Harmony, a stunning testament to imperial grandeur in the Forbidden City.

Our Beijing journey would be incomplete without a visit to the Forbidden City, a colossal monument to China’s imperial history. For nearly 500 years, this vast complex was the epicenter of political power in China, home to 24 emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties. Today, it stands as a testament to China’s rich heritage, offering visitors a glimpse into the grandeur and mystery of the past.

Exploring the Forbidden City

Entering through the imposing Meridian Gate, we were immediately struck by the sheer scale of the Forbidden City. Covering over 180 acres, it’s easy to see why it was once considered a “city within a city.”

  • The Outer Court: The first section we explored was the Outer Court, where state affairs were conducted. The three main halls—Hall of Supreme Harmony, Hall of Central Harmony, and Hall of Preserved Harmony—are aligned in perfect symmetry. Each hall is an architectural marvel, adorned with intricate carvings and gilded roofs that shimmer under the sun. The marble terraces and ornate balustrades are reminders of the opulence that characterized the imperial court.
  • The Inner Court: Moving further inside, we reached the Inner Court, where the emperor and his family lived. The Hall of Mental Cultivation, where emperors once deliberated on state matters, and the Palace of Heavenly Purity, their living quarters, are both fascinating insights into the daily lives of China’s rulers. The well-preserved artifacts, including jade carvings, silk robes, and ancient scrolls, offer a vivid picture of life within these walls.
  • The Imperial Garden: After a day of exploring grand halls and corridors, the Imperial Garden was a peaceful retreat. With its ancient cypress trees, ornate rockeries, and beautiful pavilions, it’s easy to imagine the emperors and their concubines strolling through this serene landscape.
Beijing, China

Practical Tips for Visiting

  • Start Early: The Forbidden City is vast, and it’s best to start early to avoid the crowds. Plan to spend at least half a day here to truly appreciate its beauty.
  • Wear Comfortable Shoes: You’ll be walking a lot, so comfortable footwear is a must.
  • Hire a Guide: The history of the Forbidden City is incredibly rich. A knowledgeable guide can bring the stories of the emperors and their court to life, making your visit much more meaningful.
  • Book in Advance: The Forbidden City is one of Beijing’s most popular attractions, so it’s wise to book your tickets online in advance.
Beijing, China

The Forbidden City is not just a historical site; it’s a journey through China’s imperial past, a place where history and architecture intertwine to create a mesmerizing experience. As we exited through the northern gate, we were left in awe of the incredible legacy that this site represents. Don’t miss our earlier posts on exploring Beijing’s vibrant food scene at Wangfujing Night Market and our adventures in the Beijing’s alleyways.

Wangfujing Night Market: Dare to Dine on the Wild Side

Skewers of scorpions and seahorses ready for daring diners at Wangfujing Night Market.
Skewers of scorpions and seahorses ready for daring diners at Wangfujing Night Market.

Beijing is a city of contrasts, and nowhere is this more evident than at the Wangfujing Night Market. Nestled in the heart of Dongcheng, this bustling street market is famous—or infamous—for its daring array of street food. From scorpions wriggling on a stick to starfish and seahorses, this is the place to challenge your culinary boundaries.

A Feast for the Brave

As we wandered through the neon-lit stalls, the air filled with the sizzle of frying oils and the pungent aroma of exotic spices, we found ourselves face to face with some of the most unconventional delicacies Beijing has to offer:

  • Scorpions: These critters, skewered and wriggling, are perhaps the market’s most iconic offering. While you can choose to have them fried, for the truly adventurous, eating them alive is an experience that tests both courage and palate. Surprisingly, they have a crunchy texture and a slightly nutty flavor.
  • Seahorses and Starfish: These ocean creatures are also served on skewers. The starfish, with its tough exterior, is more for the experience than the flavor, but it’s definitely Instagram-worthy!
  • Silkworm Pupae: Despite their intimidating appearance, these small, thick bugs have a soft, slightly chewy texture and a flavor reminiscent of earthy mushrooms. They are considered a protein-packed snack.
  • More Delicacies: Don’t stop there—try the centipede, octopus tentacles, duck tongues, and chicken hearts. Each offers a unique taste and texture that’s sure to make your visit to Wangfujing unforgettable.
Watch as we explore the daring eats of Beijing’s Wangfujing Night Market—scorpions and seahorses wriggling on a stick! Dive into one of the city’s most unforgettable food experiences in our YouTube video.

Tips for Navigating the Market

  • Be Adventurous: This market is not just about eating—it’s an experience. Bring an open mind and a strong stomach.
  • Bargain: Most items are affordable, ranging from 10 to 30 CNY per skewer. It’s customary to haggle a bit. This is all part of the fun.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: While it’s a thrill for tourists, remember that many of these foods have cultural significance. Approach with respect and curiosity.

Wangfujing Night Market is not just a place to eat; it’s a sensory adventure that challenges you to push your culinary boundaries. Whether you’re a foodie or just curious, this is a must-visit spot in Beijing. And after braving the night market, join us as we explore the Forbidden City in our next post.