Power BI Book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI Hits #1 Amazon’s Hot New Release in Information Management

Power BI book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI is number 1 New Release in Information Management
Power BI book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI is an Amazon Hot New Release

I’m thrilled to announce that my latest book, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, has achieved the #1 spot in Amazon Hot New Releases in Information Management! This is an exciting milestone, and it’s all thanks to you!

Your ideal guide for Power BI

If you’re new to the world of data visualization and want to get started with Power BI — a tool widely adopted by businesses for its ease of use and powerful capabilities — this book is your ideal guide. It’s a comprehensive, fully visual guide to Microsoft Power BI, and it’s designed to make data visualization as accessible and fun as possible.

This Power BI book brings together all the resources you need to master the everyday use of this powerful data visualization software. Whether you’re looking to understand the basic functions of Power BI or dive into its more advanced features, this book has you covered.

Here’s what you’ll find inside:

  • Step-by-step instructions for working with, transforming, and processing data sources.
  • Tips for customizing data visualizations to create informative and presentation-ready charts and graphs.
  • Full-color, two-page tutorials on the more advanced features of Power BI.

I want to take a moment to extend a huge thank you to all of you. Your ideas, your feedback, your support – these are what truly make Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI something special. You’ve helped me realize this not just this project, but all my previous book projects as well, and I’m so grateful.

Get your copy today

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI is available now at your local bookstore and on Amazon. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your data visualization skills and gain a new perspective on how to communicate information effectively.

Already got your copy of Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI? Feel free to drop me a comment on how you like it:

„Power BI Book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI Hits #1 Amazon’s Hot New Release in Information Management“ weiterlesen

DataMustRead Book Club Pick: Discover the Art of Data Visualization with Show Me the Numbers

Discover the Art of Data Visualization with Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten
Discover the Art of Data Visualization with Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten

This month’s #DataMustRead book club selection is Show Me the Numbers (Amazon) by Stephen Few. In my ongoing mission to explore and share the most insightful resources in the field of data, I’ve chosen this exceptional guide on how to effectively present quantitative information.

Data Visualization with Show Me the Numbers

Data visualization is an essential skill in today’s data-driven world. It’s about translating complex data into an easy-to-understand visual format that helps us make sense of the numbers and tell compelling stories. It’s an area I’ve explored in my own recent book, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI (Amazon).

Show Me the Numbers is a master class in the principles and practices of data visualization. It’s an ideal guide for anyone involved in communicating with numbers – whether you’re a business professional, analyst, researcher, or student. And if you’re a fan of Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, you’ll find Show Me the Numbers a complementary read.

Gleaning Insights from Data

The book starts with the basics, explaining the types of data and which tables or graphs are best for communicating them. But it doesn’t stop there. It builds on these insights by delving into more creative elements of data visualization. The beauty of this book is its broad appeal – it’s as accessible to beginners as it is enlightening to seasoned data professionals.

Stephen Few is a renowned expert in the field of data visualization, and his expertise shines through in this book. He shows us how to choose the right chart type, how to use color and text effectively, and how to avoid common pitfalls. Throughout the book, he supports his teachings with relevant examples and exercises that allow readers to apply the concepts to their own data.

Show Me the Numbers: A Practical Approach to Data Visualization

Show Me the Numbers is refreshingly practical. It offers sensible advice that you can apply directly to your work using modern tools and practices. Unlike some books that present unusual and pretty charts for unusual cases, Show Me the Numbers focuses on functional, effective visualization techniques that can be used in real-world scenarios.

One of the most appreciated aspects of this book, as mentioned in several reviews, is its readability. Even the statistical explanations are simple, yet accurate. It’s a technical book that you can comfortably read in your backyard and relax with while learning valuable skills.

Join the #DataMustRead Book Club

In conclusion, Show Me the Numbers is a highly recommended read for anyone interested in data visualization. It’s a book that takes the wisdom of classic authors in the field and builds on it with practical, up-to-date advice.

Ready to dive in? Order your copy of Show Me the Numbers and support both me and the author. Join the #DataMustRead book club, share your thoughts, and let’s continue our journey to master the world of data together!

Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights into the world of data visualization. As always, happy reading, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section of this LinkedIn post or with a reply on this Twitter thread.

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Master Microsoft Power BI with My New Book: Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI

Alexander Loth holding his books Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, Decisively Digital and Visual Analytics with Tableau
Alexander Loth holding his books Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI, Decisively Digital and Visual Analytics with Tableau

A Comprehensive, Fully Visual Guide to Data Visualization and Analytics

I am thrilled to announce the release of my latest book, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI – a comprehensive and fully visual guide to mastering Microsoft Power BI. This book is designed to help both beginners and experienced users improve their skills in data visualization and analytics using Power BI, a powerful tool that has become an industry standard. In this blog post, I’ll give you a sneak peek into the contents of the book and how it can help you become a Power BI pro.

Why Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI?

Power BI is a robust data visualization software that enables users to transform raw data into meaningful insights through stunning visuals. However, learning Power BI can be challenging, especially for those who are new to the world of data visualization. That’s where Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI comes in. The book adopts a visual learning approach, combining step-by-step instructions with clear screenshots to walk readers through the basic and advanced functions of Power BI.

What’s Inside Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI?

This guide offers a comprehensive learning experience, covering a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Working with, transforming, and processing data sources: Learn how to connect to various data sources, clean and transform data, and create relationships between tables.
  2. Customizing data visualizations: Discover how to create informative and presentation-ready charts and graphs by customizing their appearance, colors, and interactivity.
  3. Advanced Power BI features: Explore app integrations, data access with DAX, and other advanced features that will help you get the most out of Power BI.
  4. Real-world examples and guidance: Apply your learnings to real-world scenarios with practical examples and expert tips throughout the book.

Who Can Benefit from Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI?

This book is suitable for a wide range of readers, including:

  1. Beginners: If you’re new to Power BI or data visualization, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI provides an accessible introduction to help you get started.
  2. Intermediate users: For those with some experience in Power BI, the book offers valuable tips and advanced techniques to enhance your skills further.
  3. Professionals: Data analysts, business intelligence professionals, and managers can use this book to improve their data visualization and reporting capabilities using Power BI.

Get your copy today!

Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI is a must-have resource for anyone looking to master Microsoft Power BI. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, this book offers valuable insights and guidance to help you harness the full potential of this powerful data visualization tool.

Don’t miss out – grab your copy today and embark on your journey toward becoming a Power BI pro! Also, follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights.

Discover the Power of Honest Data Visualization: Elevate Your Data Storytelling Skills with The Truthful Art

Truthful Art, The: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication
Truthful Art, The: Data, Charts, and Maps for Communication

Welcome to the #datamustread book club, where we dive into the world of data with compelling and informative reads. This month, I’ve chosen a book that will revolutionize the way you approach data visualization: The Truthful Art by Alberto Cairo. In this blog post, I’ll provide you with an in-depth look at the book and its valuable lessons, as well as examples and anecdotes that demonstrate its relevance to data enthusiasts like you.

Unleashing the Storytelling Potential of Data

The Truthful Art delves into the principles and practices of data visualization, teaching you how to create graphical representations of information that are both effective and honest. By viewing data visualization as a tool for communication, the book emphasizes its potential to convey stories, arguments, and insights to a diverse audience.

A Comprehensive Guide to Data Visualization

This book provides readers with a deep understanding of data analysis, design, storytelling, and the ethical and practical challenges that accompany working with data. Throughout the book, Alberto draws from his experience as a journalist, professor, and consultant to offer practical advice and insights on creating and evaluating data visualizations.

Real-World Examples and Exercises with „The Truthful Art“

What sets The Truthful Art apart from other data visualization resources is its use of real-world examples and exercises. The book goes beyond theoretical concepts by demonstrating how to apply these ideas to your own projects. This hands-on approach ensures that you can readily implement the techniques you learn, making your data visualizations more effective and honest.

A Manifesto for the Truthful Art of Data Communication

The Truthful Art is more than just a guide to data visualization. It’s a call to action, urging readers to think critically and creatively about data and communicate their findings in a clear and compelling way. The book challenges you to reflect on your biases and assumptions and to consider the ethical implications of your work.

Don’t Miss This Essential Read for Data Enthusiasts

If you’re passionate about data visualization and want to take your skills to the next level, The Truthful Art is a must-read. By offering valuable insights, practical examples, and a focus on ethics, this book is an essential resource for anyone who wants to use data to inform, persuade, or inspire others.

Ready to dive into The Truthful Art and transform your approach to data visualization? Order your copy of The Truthful Art today and support both me and the author in our quest to spread the power of honest data visualization.

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section of this LinkedIn post or with a reply on this Twitter thread. Stay connected with me on Twitter and LinkedIn, and don’t forget to explore my new book, Teach Yourself Visually Power BI.

AI Insights and Inspiration: My Story of Becoming a LinkedIn Top Voice with 30,000 Followers

Screenshot of Alexander Loth's LinkedIn profile, displaying the LinkedIn Top Voice badge, alongside the milestone achievement of 30,000 followers.
My LinkedIn profile, displaying the LinkedIn Top Voice badge, alongside the milestone achievement of 30,000 followers. Thank you very much!

I’m overjoyed to share an exciting milestone in my journey as a digital strategist and data scientist: my LinkedIn account has now reached a milestone of 30,000 followers! This achievement is more than just a number – it symbolizes a thriving community of enthusiasts passionate about data, AI, and digital transformation. The icing on the cake? Being recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice in AI, an accolade that underscores my commitment to this fascinating field.

The surge in followers came on the heels of my inspiring ACM talk on Generative AI—a topic that captivates and challenges the norms of technology and creativity. This talk was more than a presentation of the work of our Microsoft AI For Good Lab; it was an invitation to explore the endless possibilities that AI brings to our world.

I cannot express enough gratitude for the overwhelming response to my book 📘 Decisively Digital  (➡️ Amazon). Each page was crafted with the intent to guide, enlighten, and inspire. Your support and feedback have been pivotal in its success.

What makes this journey truly remarkable is you – my followers, peers, and fellow enthusiasts. Our shared passion for data, AI, and digital technology has created a unique and vibrant community. Engaging with you, sharing insights, and learning from your perspectives has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my career.

One of the most exciting initiatives has been the #datamustread book club. Witnessing your engagement, the dynamic discussions, and how we are collectively uncovering the potential of data and analytics to shape our world is nothing short of inspiring.

As LinkedIn’s Top Voice in AI, I look forward to continuing our journey of discovery and discussion. Your thoughts, ideas and contributions are the lifeblood of this community. Let’s keep the momentum going and dive deeper into the realms of AI and digital innovation.

Thank you, each and every one of you, for your unwavering support and enthusiasm. Together, let’s take the road to the next 30,000 followers and beyond, making every step a leap toward a more informed, innovative, and inspired digital world.