Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI: das essenzielle Power BI-Buch ist jetzt erhältlich

Das deutschsprachige Power BI-Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich
Das deutschsprachige Power BI-Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich

Die Welt der Datenvisualisierung ist um ein wertvolles Werk reicher: Unser Power BI-Buch, Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI: Der schnelle Einstieg in die Welt von Power BI, ist jetzt im Handel verfügbar! Dieses umfassende Buch dient als Brücke zwischen Technologie und Geschäftsverständnis. Es wurde speziell entwickelt, um sowohl Einsteigern als auch erfahrenen Anwendern eine robuste Basis für den effektiven Einsatz von Power BI zu bieten.

Das Buch ist ab sofort erhältlich bei:

  • Ihrer lokalen Buchhandlung,
  • Amazon (als gedrucktes Buch und als Kindle Edition)

Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI tritt nun in die Fußstapfen seines erfolgreichen Schwesterwerks Datenvisualisierung mit Tableau. Dabei wurde das didaktische Konzept sorgfältig übernommen, ohne die spezifischen Merkmale und Funktionen von Power BI aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an meinen Co-Autor Peter Vogel sowie an Sophia Cullen und Thomas Treml für die Vorworte. Ebenfalls möchten wir unseren zahlreichen Reviewern danken, die uns mit ihren wertvollen Ideen und Anregungen unterstützt haben.

Für weitere Informationen zu „Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI“ besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite zum Power BI-Buch! Wir freuen uns auch über Feedback, Ideen und Anregungen via LinkedIn:

15,000 Followers on Twitter!

Alexander Loth reaches 15k followers on Twitter: Thank you very much!
Alexander Loth reaches 15k followers on Twitter: Thank you very much!

Reaching 15k Twitter followers is a significant milestone that reflects not only my journey in data and digital strategy but also the power of community engagement. I’m thrilled to announce that my Twitter community has grown to 15,000 followers! This milestone reflects the collective passion for data, digital strategy, and continuous learning. Read about my recent career boost at CERN here.

Just over 2 months after my new book Decisively Digital became a #1 New Release on Amazon, and shortly after the newspaper article about my data journey, I have now reached the 15,000 follower mark on Twitter.

I am overwhelmed and delighted that my shared content on data and digital strategy is attracting so much interest. From insights to discussions, the engagement reflects the shared passion for all things digital.

Whether through tweets, blog posts, or interactive discussions, I value the connections and the continuous learning that takes place within this thriving community.

Thank you all so much for your support and engagement! Let’s continue to explore, learn, and grow together. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights and updates.

Decisively Digital is nominated for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2021

The publisher of Decisively Digital, Wiley, has informed me that our book is now officially nominated for the prestigious Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2021.

The nomination itself is a very big achievement. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we win this award!

Thank you, everyone, for making this possible — and for the uplifting and inspiring words:

The Data Operator: How the World’s Largest Particle Accelerator Boosted My Career

Alexander Loth featured in BNN regarding his career boost at CERN
Alexander Loth featured in BNN regarding his career boost at CERN

The world’s largest particle accelerator not only unleashed hidden particles but also unlocked my career growth. As a young data scientist, my journey at CERN was a career boost that laid the foundation for my future endeavors. Read about my first day at Microsoft here.

Der Daten-Verarbeiter: Der weltgrößte Teilchenbeschleuniger war für Alexander Loth ein Karriere-Turbo

BNN, 14.07.2021

Today in the news:

  • A Career Turbocharged at CERN: CERN offered more than just research opportunities. Working at CERN was a defining moment for me. The cutting-edge technology, incredible talent, and the massive amount of data were the catalysts that propelled my career to new heights.
  • Data as the Common Thread: My time at CERN reinforced my belief in the transformative power of data. „Data is the common thread that runs through my professional life.“ From CERN to Tableau, and now at Microsoft, my passion for data continues to drive my career forward.
  • Decisively Digital – A New Publication: My new book, 📖 Decisively Digital (Amazon), published by Wiley, reflects my thoughts on digital transformation. It’s a culmination of my experiences and insights from various stages of my career.

I am grateful for my journey from CERN, via Tableau, to Microsoft. The opportunities, learning, and growth have been truly enriching, and I look forward to what the future holds. Stay connected and follow my journey on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Read the online version of the newspaper article: Wie ein Karlsruher am CERN in die Welt der Daten eintauchte (BNN, 14.07.2021)

Decisively Digital is the #1 New Release in Organizational Change on Amazon

Our book Decisively Digital is the number 1 new release in Organizational Change on Amazon!

The paperback of Decisively Digital became available yesterday in the US, with other territories soon to follow.

It took a village to finish this book. Many thanks to all of you: