Mastering Power BI: A Step-by-step Guide to Enabling Power BI’s Preview Features Including Azure Maps

Power of Power BI's Preview Features: Power BI Desktop running on Windows 11
Power of Power BI’s Preview Features: Power BI Desktop running on Windows 11

Explore the Power of Power BI’s Preview Features

Microsoft’s Power BI is known for its data visualization capabilities, but many exciting features are not enabled by default. These under-the-radar features are known as Power BI Preview Features, and they often have the potential to significantly enhance your data analysis efforts. Some of these exciting features include Azure Maps, which is essential for creating impactful Skyscraper Maps with Power BI.

Follow this Step-by-step Guide

To leverage the power of these Preview Features, you need to enable them in your Power BI interface. Here is a quick guide to help you activate Azure Maps and other Preview Features:

Step 1: Navigate to the File tab on Power BI’s menu bar. Note: There is no need to have a data connection, the opening modal can be closed.

File tab on Power BI's menu bar.
File tab on Power BI’s menu bar.

Step 2: Choose Options and Settings from the dropdown menu.

Step 3: From the subsequent options, click on Options.

Power BI's Options and Settings menu.
Power BI’s Options and Settings menu.

Step 4: In the new dialogue box, select Preview Features from the list on the left-hand side.

Power BI's Options dialogue box.
Power BI’s Options dialogue box.

Step 5: Check the box next to Azure Map Visual to enable it.

Step 6: Confirm your changes by clicking the OK button.

Power BI's Preview Features section.
Power BI’s Preview Features section.

If you change the Preview feature settings, Power BI may require you to restart the application to implement the changes. Once done, you are ready to start creating your Skyscraper Map using the Azure Maps feature!

Current Power BI Preview Features

Power BI’s Preview Features evolve over time, with new features continuously being tested and added. As of now, the current preview features you can enable in Power BI include:

  • Shape Map Visual
  • Spanish Language Support for Q&A
  • Q&A for Live Connected Analysis Services Databases
  • Azure Map Visual
  • DirectQuery for PBI Datasets and AS
  • Modern Visual Tooltips
  • Power BI Desktop Infrastructure Update
  • Web Page Connector Infrastructure
  • Modify Visuals Settings for Mobile Layout
  • Sparklines
  • Scorecard Visual
  • Field Parameters
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI book cover

For more such enlightening tutorials, check out my latest book, Teach Yourself VISUALLY Power BI (Amazon)!

The world of Power BI is a treasure trove of powerful capabilities waiting to be explored. Share your experiences, creative applications, and insights as you navigate this exciting realm:

„Mastering Power BI: A Step-by-step Guide to Enabling Power BI’s Preview Features Including Azure Maps“ weiterlesen

Visual Tracert: How to use GeoTraceroute to analyze, visualize and embed internet traffic routes

Visual traceroute from Frankfurt to Ukraine shows redirection via Russia
Visual traceroute (aka. tracert) from Frankfurt to Ukraine shows redirection via Russia

Earlier today I read the news from NetBlocks (via Reuters) that since the weekend parts of the Ukrainian internet traffic are rerouted via Russia. To be precise, it’s about Ukrainian Kherson Oblast, which is occupied by Russia since March.

Now I wanted to trace the internet route myself and ideally visualize it. Here I came across the service of GeoTraceroute, which does a great job in visualizing traceroutes (aka. tracert). For the trace, I chose Frankfurt as starting point, and, the local internet provider in Kherson, as the endpoint.

Of course, you can also include the URL of GeoTraceroute as a web element in your Power BI report or Tableau dashboard and parameterize it for dynamic interactions. You can see the format as in my example:

Our Research featured in Der Spiegel: An Overview of Russia’s Cyberattack Activity in Ukraine

Der Spiegel features Microsoft AI for Good Research Lab Ukraine report
Der Spiegel features Microsoft AI for Good Research Lab Ukraine report

Our research was picked up by German news magazine Der Spiegel, one of the largest investigative journals in Europe. We analyzed incredibly large amounts of data to gain insights into Russia’s cyberattacks in Ukraine.

Read the Spiegel article, which in turn has a link to our report: Microsoft zählt bisher 237 Hackerangriffe auf die Ukraine

And here’s a direct link to the underlying report, which was produced by Microsoft’s Digital Security Unit and is based on insights from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center and data analysis from our Microsoft AI for Good Research Lab: Special Report: Ukraine – An overview of Russia’s cyberattack activity in Ukraine

Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI: das essenzielle Power BI-Buch ist jetzt erhältlich

Das deutschsprachige Power BI-Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich
Das deutschsprachige Power BI-Buch ist ab sofort im Handel erhältlich

Die Welt der Datenvisualisierung ist um ein wertvolles Werk reicher: Unser Power BI-Buch, Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI: Der schnelle Einstieg in die Welt von Power BI, ist jetzt im Handel verfügbar! Dieses umfassende Buch dient als Brücke zwischen Technologie und Geschäftsverständnis. Es wurde speziell entwickelt, um sowohl Einsteigern als auch erfahrenen Anwendern eine robuste Basis für den effektiven Einsatz von Power BI zu bieten.

Das Buch ist ab sofort erhältlich bei:

  • Ihrer lokalen Buchhandlung,
  • Amazon (als gedrucktes Buch und als Kindle Edition)

Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI tritt nun in die Fußstapfen seines erfolgreichen Schwesterwerks Datenvisualisierung mit Tableau. Dabei wurde das didaktische Konzept sorgfältig übernommen, ohne die spezifischen Merkmale und Funktionen von Power BI aus den Augen zu verlieren.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an meinen Co-Autor Peter Vogel sowie an Sophia Cullen und Thomas Treml für die Vorworte. Ebenfalls möchten wir unseren zahlreichen Reviewern danken, die uns mit ihren wertvollen Ideen und Anregungen unterstützt haben.

Für weitere Informationen zu „Datenvisualisierung mit Power BI“ besuchen Sie bitte die Webseite zum Power BI-Buch! Wir freuen uns auch über Feedback, Ideen und Anregungen via X (vormals Twitter) und LinkedIn:

Decisively Digital is nominated for the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2021

The publisher of Decisively Digital, Wiley, has informed me that our book is now officially nominated for the prestigious Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award 2021.

The nomination itself is a very big achievement. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that we win this award!

Thank you, everyone, for making this possible — and for the uplifting and inspiring words: