How to Use Copilot in Excel: Mastering Excel with M365 Copilot – Data Analysis Tutorial

How to Use Copilot in Excel: A screenshot from an Excel Copilot demo showing various charts and graphs analyzing donor data. The interface includes a Copilot preview pane suggesting insights, and a video overlay of a presenter explaining the data. Graphs display information such as winter donations by date, donation amounts by last name, age distribution by gender and membership status, and occupation impact on donation behavior.
How to Use Copilot in Excel: Screenshot of the Excel Copilot video on Youtube analyzing donor data with graphs and insights.

Welcome to our deep dive into donor data with Excel Copilot! We will explore insights from our donor dataset to understand donor behavior, campaign effectiveness, and seasonal trends. Let’s learn how to use Copilot in Excel and dive into the data to see what stories it tells us.

How to Use Copilot in Excel with Copilot Prompts

To begin, look for the Copilot icon in the upper right corner. Copilot suggests actions such as „show data insights“, which we’ll select. Then select „+ Add to new sheet.“

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Visual Enhancement

To make our data more engaging, let’s add a colorful icon next to donors whose donation amount exceeds $100. This visual cue will help us quickly identify high-value donors.

Excel Copilot Prompt: Add a colorful icon if Donation_Amount is more than 100.

Days Since Last Donation

Next, we’ll calculate the number of days since each donor’s last donation. This will help us identify recent donors versus those who haven’t donated in a while.

Excel Copilot Prompt: Calculate the number of days since each donor’s last donation and add this as a new column.
Action Step: Insert Column

Campaign Effectiveness

Let’s analyze how different communication methods, such as email and phone, impact donation amounts. We will identify which method is most effective for different donor segments.

Excel Copilot Prompt: Analyze the effectiveness of different communication methods (email, phone) on donation amounts. Identify which method is most effective for different donor segments.

Occupation Impact

Let’s examine the impact of donor occupations on their donation behavior. We’ll look at donation amounts and frequencies across various occupations to see which ones are associated with the highest donations.

Excel Copilot Prompt: Examine how a donor’s occupation affects their donation behavior, including donation amount and frequency. Identify which occupations are associated with the highest donations.

Lifetime Value (LTV)

Next, we will compute the lifetime value of each donor, which is the total amount donated over time. This will give us a sense of each donor’s value to our organization.

Excel Copilot Prompt: Compute the lifetime value (total donations over time) for each donor and add it as a new column.
Action Step: Insert Column

We’ll identify seasonal trends in donations by calculating the total donations for each donor during different seasons: spring, summer, fall, and winter. These insights will help us tailor our campaigns to seasonal patterns.

Excel Copilot Prompt: Identify seasonal trends by calculating the total donations for each donor during different seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter) and add these as new columns.
Action Step: Insert Columns


By analyzing these aspects of our donor data, we gain valuable insights into donor behavior, campaign effectiveness, and seasonal trends. This information will empower us to make informed decisions and enhance our fundraising strategies. Thank you for joining me in this data exploration. Let’s open the floor for any questions or further discussion!

How to Use Copilot in Excel: Watch the Full Video

Watch the full Excel Copilot Tutorial on YouTube or on LinkedIn:

Download the Dataset

Get the dataset used in this Excel Copilot tutorial: Download Donors.xlsx Dataset

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