We’d like to invite you to our 15th Data & AI Meetup, hosted at Skydeck @ DB Systel in Frankfurt, Germany.
5:30pm: Doors open
6:00pm: Welcome & Intro
by Alexander Loth, Digital Strategist at Microsoft
and Darren Cooper, Principal Consultant at DB Systel
6:20pm: 🚄 Reinforcement Learning of Train Dispatching at Deutsche Bahn
by Dr. Tobias Keller, Data Scientist at DB Systel
7:00pm: 🚀 TensorFlow & Co as a Service
by Sascha Dittmann, Cloud Solution Architect for Advanced Analytics & AI at Microsoft
7:40pm: 📊 Visual Analytics: from messy data to insightful visualization
by Daniel Weikert, Expert Consultant at SIEGER Consulting
8:30pm: Networking & drinks
9:30pm: Event concludes

Sign up on Meetup and join us on Twitter @DataAIHub and LinkedIn!
Do you want to speak at our events? Submit your proposal here: https://aka.ms/speakAI
Join our 15th Data & AI meetup this Thursday at @dbsystel @DB_Skydeck! We've exciting sessions for you, feat. 🚄 #ReinforcementLearning, 🚀 @TensorFlow and 📊 #VisualAnalytics!
Sign up: https://t.co/YaQ6wDiW25 pic.twitter.com/Nz38pK6pB9— Alexander Loth (@xlth) January 20, 2020