15,000 Followers on Twitter!

Alexander Loth reaches 15k followers on Twitter: Thank you very much!
Alexander Loth reaches 15k followers on Twitter: Thank you very much!

Reaching 15k Twitter followers is a significant milestone that reflects not only my journey in data and digital strategy but also the power of community engagement. I’m thrilled to announce that my Twitter community has grown to 15,000 followers! This milestone reflects the collective passion for data, digital strategy, and continuous learning. Read about my recent career boost at CERN here.

Just over 2 months after my new book Decisively Digital became a #1 New Release on Amazon, and shortly after the newspaper article about my data journey, I have now reached the 15,000 follower mark on Twitter.

I am overwhelmed and delighted that my shared content on data and digital strategy is attracting so much interest. From insights to discussions, the engagement reflects the shared passion for all things digital.

Whether through tweets, blog posts, or interactive discussions, I value the connections and the continuous learning that takes place within this thriving community.

Thank you all so much for your support and engagement! Let’s continue to explore, learn, and grow together. Follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn for more insights and updates.

Recap of the 15th Data & AI Meetup: Reinforcement Learning; TensorFlow on Azure; Visual Analytics

200 attendees at the 15th Data & AI Meetup at DB Systel in Frankfurt, Germany
200 attendees at the 15th Data & AI Meetup at DB Systel in Frankfurt, Germany

Yesterday we had an amazing Data & AI Meetup in Frankfurt! Let’s have a quick recap!

The venue: DB Systel’s Silberturm

DB Systel kindly hosted the 15th iteration of our Data & AI Meetup on the 30th floor of the Silberturm in Frankfurt, Germany.

Welcome & Intro

Darren Cooper and I had the pleasure to welcome 200 Data & AI enthusiasts! Furthermore, we were happy to announce that our Data & AI Meetup group has 1,070 members and our brand new Data & AI LinkedIn group already has 580 members.

Reinforcement Learning of Train Dispatching at Deutsche Bahn

Dr. Tobias Keller, Data Scientist at DB Systel, showed in his session how Deutsche Bahn aims at increasing the speed of the suburban railway system in Stuttgart (S-Bahn) using Artificial Intelligence. In particular, a simulation-based reinforcement learning approach provides promising first results.

TensorFlow & Co as a Service

Sascha Dittmann, Cloud Solution Architect for Advanced Analytics & AI at Microsoft, showed in his presentation, how TensorFlow and other ML frameworks can be used better in a team through appropriate Microsoft Cloud services. He presented different ways of how data science experiments can be documented and shared in a team. He also covered topics such as versioning of the ML models, as well as the operationalization of the models in production.

Visual Analytics: from messy data to insightful visualization

Daniel Weikert, Expert Consultant at SIEGER Consulting, showed in his session the ease of use of Microsoft Power BI Desktop. He briefly highlighted the AI Capabilities which Power BI provides and showed a way on how to get started with messy data, doing data cleaning and visualize results in an appealing way to your audience.

Speaking at an upcoming Data & AI meetup?

If you’ve dreamed of sharing your Data & AI story with many like-minded Data & AI enthusiasts, please submit your session proposal or reply to the recap tweet:

#data19 Visual Diary: Tableau Conference Europe 2019 in Berlin

Let me share some of my favorite #data19 impressions from Tableau Conference Europe 2019 in Berlin with you (like I did for TC18 in NOLA last year)!

Sunday, 16 June

Arriving in Berlin

Monday, 17 June

Viz for Social Good

Makeover Monday

Welcome Reception

Tuesday, 18 June

Opening Keynote

Data Village | Diversity and Inclusion

Customer Session | Digital Journey of Deutsche Bahn

Data Night Out

Wednesday, 19 June

Tableau Public booth

Customer Session | Leveraging Social Media at Commerzbank

Data Village


What are your #data19 highlights?

Share your favorite moments in the blog post comments or reply to this tweet:

#TC18 Visual Diary: One Big-Easy Data Fest

Iron Viz contest at Tableau Conference TC18 in New Orleans
Iron Viz contest at Tableau Conference TC18 in New Orleans

Let me share some (personal) Tableau Conference #TC18 experiences with you!

Oct 22


Viz for Social Good

Welcome Reception

Oct 23

Opening Keynote

My 1st Session | Rock your Social Media Data with Tableau

Data Village | Diversity and Inclusion

Community Appreciation Reception

Oct 24

Keynote | Devs On Stage

My 2nd Session | Rock your Social Media Data with Tableau

Tableau User Group | Tip Battle

Iron Viz

Data Night Out

Oct 25

Keynote | Adam Grant

Data Village



What are your #TC18 highlights?

Share your favorite moments in the blog post comments or reply to this tweet:

10,000 Followers on Twitter!

10,000 followers on Twitter!

10,000 followers on Twitter! Thank you everyone for all the fun, joy and support you provide! And thank you to the 150 who joined this week! Totally made my day!

Also thank you to Brandwatch who recently listed me as one of the top Digital Transformation influencer in Germany.

Do you want to track your own Twitter profile? Collect your Twitter stats with IFTTT and the tstats script!

Update 3 Aug 2018: I hit the 11k follower mark on Twitter just a few days after the first German-language Tableau book became available on Amazon and in many local book stores!