Live Scorpions and Seahorses wriggling on a Stick

Live Scorpions and Seahorses wriggling on a Stick
Live Scorpions and Seahorses wriggling on a Stick

Wouldn’t you like to try one?

Located right in the center of Beijing’s business district Donghuamen, the Wangfujing Night Market is known to many as the „Crazy Food Street“. Even though you can have the scorpions fried before you eat them, you also have the option of being brave and eating them alive. Mentally, one of the most difficult things to eat, especially since the scorpions are still alive an moving just before you eat them.

And if you are really feeling adventurous, try delicates like starfish, chicken heart, duck tongue, shrimp eggs, centipede, octopus tentacle and many more. I especially enjoyed silk-worms, very small but thick bugs that looked like they had a shell.

Entering Shibuya

Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Crossing, Tokyo, Japan

Multicolored neon light that illuminates a major city center with a vibrant nighttime glow, businessmen cackling, Japanese girls in bright outfits: welcome to Shibuya on a Friday night!

Before going to Japan when I thought of Tokyo I thought of the Shibuya crossing which is pretty famous for being one of the world’s most heavily used pedestrian scramble intersections. I have seen so many photos of this spot and it was one of the places I truly wanted to visit.

We ended up in Shibuya a couple times over our trip but the photo in this post is from the very first visit. While the Shibuya crossing does have „pedestrian crossing lines“ which cross in different direction it does seem like people will charge in more or less any direction, as you can see in this video that was taken a few days later.

Top 10 Angels&Demons Questions

CERN Exhibition: Top 10 Angels&Demons Questions
CERN Exhibition: Top 10 Angels&Demons Questions

Gestern haben wir Angels & Demons (deutscher Titel: Illuminati) im Kino gesehen. Die Verfilmung des gleichnamigen Bestsellers von Dan Brown war vor allem visuell sehr ansprechend. Tom Hanks hat wie schon in Da Vinci Code souverän die Rolle des Protagonisten Robert Langdon verkörpert.

Ein Teil der Handlung des Films spielt am CERN. Tatsächlich wurden einige Einstellungen am ATLAS-Detektor des LHC gedreht. Regisseur Ron Howard sah sich ebenfalls das CERN-Gelände an, um den Film authentischer zu gestalten. Die Herstellung einer Bombe aus Antimaterie ist hingegen ebenso Fiktion wie die „Schöpfung aus dem Nichts“, welche im Film lediglich dazu dient den Konflikt zwischen Religion und Naturwissenschaft zu entfachen.

CERN hat Angels & Demons eigens eine Ausstellung (siehe Foto oben) und eine Website gewidmet, um „the science behind the story“ zu erläutern und auf häufig gestellte Fragen („Does CERN create black holes?“, etc.) einzugehen.

79. Genfer Auto-Salon

Heute besuchten wir den 79. Genfer Auto-Salon (Salon International de l’Auto & Accessoires Genéve). Zu den interessantesten Premieren gehörten das Mercedes E-Klasse Coupé, der Audi TT RS und die europäische Version des Tata Nano.

Außerdem war ASIMO (zu sehen im Video) auf dem Stand von Honda zu Gast. ASIMO ist einer der am weitesten entwickelten, humanoiden Roboter.