Hyper Kickoff Event: 5th Frankfurt Analytics + Tableau User Group Meetup

Tableau Hyperfest: Hyper Kickoff Event at Tableau's Frankfurt office
Tableau Hyperfest: Hyper Kickoff Event at Tableau’s Frankfurt office

We’d like to invite you to the 5th Frankfurt Analytics + Tableau User Group Meetup.

Join us for the global launch of Tableau’s super fast data engine, Hyper! Hyper brings faster data refreshes and query performance to Tableau extracts, plus increased scalability in a platform-wide update.

This is your opportunity to get to know the Hyper dev team, hear from Tableau beta customers about their hands-on Hyper experience, and participate in live Q&A. Best of all, learn more about Hyper’s patent-pending technology as well as some of the other features headed your way in 10.5. (Viz in Tooltip, anyone?)

Tableau is hosting the Hyperfest meetup – come and celebrate with the community and the world on the upcoming release of Hyper. In addition to the Hyper presentation, we will also have food, drinks and Tableau swag, so don’t miss it!

-> Sign Up <-

Tableau Hyperfest meetup event page
Sign up for free at the Hyperfest meetup event page


9:00pm: Doors Open

9:30pm: Presentations:

10:30pm: Drinks & Networking

11:00pm: Live Hyperfest Viewing Party

Midnight: Event Concludes

Livestream: Follow us on Twitter @FraAnalytics and check for the livestream and additional content!

Feedback and ideas: Let us know if you’d like to discuss a particular topic or if you want to become one of our future speakers – email or twitter.

How to Log your Twitter Follower Stats with IFTTT to a Google Spreadsheet

tstats GitHub repository
The tstats script (on GitHub) logs your Twitter Follower Stats with IFTTT to a Google Spreadsheet

How can we log the follower statistics for a Twitter account?

In order to store these stats, I’d like to use IFTTT’s new Maker channel that was introduced last month. I have created a simple Bash script (tstats.sh) to log this data to a spreadsheet in my Google Drive. I run this as a cron job every 24 hours.



sudo apt-get install ruby-dev

Twitter CLI:

gem install t

Authorize your Twitter account:

t authorize

A Google account, as the log is saved to a spreadsheet in your Google Drive.

An IFTTT account.

Connect the Maker and Google Drive channels to your IFTTT account.


cd into the tstats directory and edit the script with your IFTTT secret key, your IFTTT trigger event name and your Twitter screen name. Make the script executable with:

chmod +x tstats.sh

Then simply run it with:


If you receive a „Congratulations“ message and an entry is added to your spread sheet, you can go ahead and add it to your cron to run at a predetermined time.

To have this script run every 24 hours, add this to your crontab (you may need to change the path):

42,09 * * * * /home/user/tstats/tstats.sh >/dev/null 2>&1

[Update 26 Jul 2018] Now on GitHub: Yes, three years later this script is still hot! However, WordPress is not the perfect place to host code. As part of my preparation for my TC18 session on Social Media in New Orleans, I moved the code to a GitHub repositroy: https://github.com/aloth/tstats